We strongly suggest that you read, and understand, our standard Terms and Conditions. Please contact The London Bridge Centre if you have any questions relating to these terms. You can find our Privacy and Cookies policy on our website here.
What is included?
What is not included?
Admissions policy
Non-completion/non-attendance of training courses
Training course outcome
For us, plagiarism is copying verbatim or almost word for word from any of our trainers' answers, other participants and/or from other online sources. We agree it's ok to search and look for answers from the Internet and share ideas with other students, but your answers must be your own work. That is; adapted to your particular idea/s so you demonstrate you are able to mould and change an activity etc. to fit your own words and needs.
The examples and information provided on the website and via other material are resources you are encouraged to read to widen your knowledge but when applying these to your own work, they must be changed and adapted to your own words and interpretation.If a participant plagiarises he/she will be given a warning, but if the plagiarism continues you may be disbarred from completing the course without a refund.Feedback and complaints
Participants have the right to offer feedback on both training sessions and trainers during the course. A link will be provided by us whereby you can offer your feedback. Alternately, you may email us directly at [email protected]
In the case of complaints, you must contact us and outline clearly your reasons for appeal. You may email us at [email protected]
Please outline your complaints and reasons for appeal clearly. We will acknowledge receipt within two working days of receipt and will aim to draw the matter to a conclusion that is satisfactory to all parties within seven working days.We do our utmost to ensure that you receive the best training and service possible. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the service provided by us, then please let us know in writing by contacting our Customer Service at [email protected]
Please outline the nature of your grievance and we promise to acknowledge your complaint or grievance within two working days of receipt. Our Customer Service will then endeavour to reach a satisfactory conclusion for all parties within seven working days.Liability
Acceptance of terms and conditions
Let our expertise and experience work for you. We are located at Hyderabad, Mumbai and London.
Email us at [email protected]
Hyderabad - +91 9004079431 / +91 9884022890
Mumbai - +91 9987215342 / +91 22 40214325
London - +44 7833751814 / +44 20 35606590
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