Ranjitha inspires intelligence, doesn't belittle it. She makes you look at your work differently. Most importantly you will start asking the question "why". Yes, English is about reading and understanding but that is just the crust. Studying English is about asking. Figuring out why authors write the way they do. Why did Shakespeare set his plays outside England? How did Oscar Wilde's time in prison affect his poetry?
English bridges subjects together. History, Chemistry, Sociology etc. You can visit distant and magical lands, go back in time to the great empires of Greece, read a Chemistry textbook. All of which are possible because of English.
Ranjitha will push you, make you work the hardest you ever have. You may not see the benefits now but will eventually see the hidden talents she has unlocked within you. She always says "You have what it takes, you just have to be brave enough to see it". Your work will improve tenfold and your love for the language as well. When you love the subject, your work instantly starts improving. She cultivates the most important aspect of teaching, in my opinion, making the student fall in love with the subject.
Let our expertise and experience work for you. We are located at Hyderabad, Mumbai and London.
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